Saturday, November 27, 2021
Friday, November 26, 2021
Monday, November 15, 2021
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Leadership Gap in Kenya
When Israel’s God, our Father was near to put the
world into judgment, but before He commenced the dire assignment, He sought for
a man that would stand in the gap between Him and the land. However, the God
who see’s the heart of man was not able to find a man worthy of that position.
Currently Kenyans are torn between the presidential hopefuls that are sprouting
out promising good leadership, which they did not practice when they were
serving several ministerial positions. This
account was the same when the Lord our Father was sourcing for a leader. From the prophetic account of Ezekiel, it is
described the situation among leading men as well as among common people. Prophet
Ezekiel description in regard of the absence of that, which could have turned
the whole event in another direction, reveals the missing element in our common
political life.
In simple terms Kenyans lack directions on
appointing good governance. The results are catastrophic and the outcomes are
ethnical division, impunity and corruption which are buttoned by the
dictatorial form of governance. Kenya was once rated in the same class as Korea in development and
as a third world country due to lack of social and physical amenities to its
subjects. However, a few decades ago the most promising state succumbed into a
political mind game where only the elite succeed at the expense of the poor.
The poverty line continues to draw worries among the few concerned with this
nation welfare. Currently the government has failed to meet the requirement of governance
in mostly providing security, reduce inflation and social services.
“A nation not
rained upon in the day of indignation.” Because men, called prophets, men who
were set aside to hear from God had chosen to conspire and “like a roaring
lion, ravening the prey” devoured souls – for the sake of gathering the
precious things of the people to themselves, is a disastrous demand for luxury.
“A nation not rained upon in the day of
indignation.” Because the priests “made no distinction between the holy and the
common, neither have they caused men to discern between the unclean and the
clean” and the rulers of the nation “are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed
blood, and to destroy souls, that they may get dishonest gain”.
God, on his way delivering the necessary judgment
upon the nation, sought for one man to enter the gap between the overwhelming
unrighteousness and the planned operation of judgment just before it was
finally set in motion. What kind of man was required for the work in the gap,
did one man suffice as to bridging the gap? One man had been enough – but one
man with certain qualities, one man after God’s own heart. One man according to
heavenly measure, according to priestly measure who will that one man be in
Which is easier – to run with wrath and judgment or
to stand in mercy? Which is easier for you and me – to look for a scape-goat to
blame or to enter an operation of reconciliation? Which is easier for us all –
to pass by in judgment or to bow in an attitude of mercy, to assist, help and
to give of ourselves? The necessary work to enter is one of standing in the gap
for the land – enter a corporate asking for forgiveness and to forgive
What will happen when there is no man, no Church, in
the gap? What will happen if there is no intercessor to be found? What will
happen if no one cares to ask for mercy, for God’s mercy to be poured out like
rain on the defenceless, the poor and the needy, the widows and the orphans, in
the day of indignation? Judgment will come, it will be fierce, it will
comprehensive – if no man enters the gap, if no righteousness is to be found in
the gap.
God, on his way judging the nations seeks for men,
seeks for a corporate body, to stand in the gap for the land – for our nations.
Men in the gap, able to lay hold of the promises of God know His mercy. Men in
the gap are able to stand because of the fact that theirs are hearts after
God’s own heart. They know how to handle the ancient prayer “In wrath, remember
mercy”. They know mercy, because it has been written by the Holy Spirit in
their own inward parts. They know truth, because it can be found in their own
inner beings.
God, on his way judging the nations seeks for men to
stand in the gap – men who are able to cry out on behalf of the many who walk
in innocence. God, on his way judging the nations seeks for men to stand in the
gap – men who are able to cry out on behalf of those who are not so innocent.
God, on his way judging the nations seeks for men to stand in the gap – men who
are able to cry out, with hearts full of mercy, for the land – for our nations.
. .
Will there be men ready to take position in the gap
in Kenya?
Monday, February 6, 2012
In religion great leaders were chosen from the most humble backgrounds. David was a shepherd that made a great king of Israel. Joseph was a slave at his time of being the greatest minister in a foreign land (Egypt) just like the American President Barrack Obama a Kenyan descendant chairing the highest position in this world (American President). Regardless of the background one hails from leadership are personal traits which either one possesses or don't posses.
Peter Kenneth one of Kenya's most charismatic presidential hopeful hails from a very humble background. A banker by profession, one Peter Kenneth was born in 1965 a kin’s man of Mbari ya Muhuni family from Kirwa, Murang'a County. This youthful leader has been involved in much humble activities such as being a goal keeper at Re-Union F C, and later chaired to most controversial federation in Kenya, that is Kenya Football Federation (KFF) from the year1996 to 2000. During his tenure as KFF chairman the Kenyan National Team "Harambee Stars" under the reign of Reinhardt Furbish nearly qualified for the World Cup which is among the only glorious moment in Kenyan football history during the 20th century. He has managed other renowned co-operations in Kenya such as Kenya Reinsurance Company Nationwide Finance Company, Prudential Finance and Bank, Zep Reinsurance Company, Industrial Development Bank and Africa Reinsurance Corporation.
Kenneth political time-line commenced after his election on a NARC ticket in the year 2002 as Member of Parliament for Gatanga constituency, Murang'a County. He was later re-elected in the 2007 skirmish filled elections. He has served both as minister and assistance minister since his time-line commenced in politics.
The track record of development of Mr. Kenneth is awesome; there has never been a leader with an excellent program on how the CDF kitty is utilized as this man. Mr. Kenneth personally attends the CDF monetary budgets meeting and most resident of Gatanga would account that no cent has been diverted to personal gains in this constituents. Furthermore, all the projects which are commissioned by Mr. Kenneth are completed according to the time-line set.
When looking and browsing through a charismatic leader portfolio like Peter Kenneth one would be encouraged to view a proper and precise proposition the perfect 2013 Kenyan President. The philosophies which are preached by this youthful presidential aspirant binds Kenyans to never again act as individuals within the ethnic boundaries in a state but rather as citizens that are part of a democratic state. In other states becoming a president is destiny. However, in Kenya becoming a president means that the president fellow kin’s men will take up all high offices. We are skeptical and we shun these leaders after re-electing them that they are tribalistic in appointing of high profile jobs. However, this process will continue unless we take affirmative action’s on selecting a transformational leader not autocratic leaders. Basically the most affected are the common mwananchi where by if your fellow kin’s men have never held even the smallest government position that is being the headman in your sub-location, then your doomed! no public work for your kin’s for generations to come. Majority of the most highly academic credited scholars are products of such backgrounds thus they strive in businesses that don't concern their edification courses. The reason why this happens is that the community which emphasizes on institutional change and edification transformation are blinded by the small incentives offered during the campaign season. Together with unethical promises which are never fulfilled years after re-elections. Only in Kenya are criminals in suits backed up with rants, protests and riots, while a chicken thief is beaten up mercilessly to death. We sing praises of people with numerous corruption cases because they are from our ethnic tribes. The question lies on the fact that are we not all affected by the money stolen from the public coffers, even if the culprit are our fellow kin’s men? The current economic atmosphere apparently is for the elite only. Food stuff like "Ugali" will soon become a luxury only few can afford. High rocketing prices in commodities such as Liquidized petroleum products, gasoline, high taxes imposed on imports and exports cases, which are never addressed because some are staged for a higher profit margin by the elite. Daily on the news the word "Cartels" has been the norm in every institution. One Mahatma Gandhi stated that "If a community has a good leader then definitely it will find success," well in Kenya guess this will be realized when we are completely doomed. An old African adage attest that the wise see's looming danger and evades it, while the fools chants and rejoices thinking it will only befall on their neighbors; this has been the case in the Kenyan political arena. We are generally engrossed on tribalistic politics which offers little or no gain to the community that is appointed head. Why not embrace change and appoint a leader that will transform the heinous corruption and tribal scenarios in this great state. According to trait theory Kenneth Peter personality traits and characteristics forms the best leader for tomorrows change in Kenya. This leader is innate and harbors instinctive quality which majority of other Aspirant doesn’t have. Peter Kenneth has series of attributes that are effectual for a transformational leader.
Looking at Mr. Kenneth track record on the power and influence theory, which sources to evaluate the sources of the leader power, we learn that Kenneth doesn’t or has never use the power appointed to him by his people of Gatanga to influence his personal interest. Recent survey attest to this as his constituent was ranked the most transparent in CDF fund usage and most developed through this initiative. Kenneth has been in the forefront of urging MP to pay tax and opposing major amendments that were basically for enrichment of the motion contenders rather than for the good of the Republic of Kenya.
The change Kenya is embracing is promising and now it’s inspiring even the diasporas to proudly proclaim they are Kenyans with renewed pride to the world. Despite our bad corruption track record where it is normal for people to steal, lie and cheat, this should not discourage our young generation to make that change. However, we should embrace this as a challenge and an inspiration to serve each other. Kenya is our pride and good leadership will help us understand each other and care for those that are hurt and oppressed because it is upon us to act for the good of mankind. The moral duty for any human being lays in the conscious ability of doing what is ethically right whether under oath enchanted or under influence of whichever demonic forces they are pursuant.
Kenya is a community that needs a leader with transformational qualities such integrity, sets clear goals, clearly communicates a vision, sets a good example, expects the best from the team, encourages, Supports, recognizes good work and people, Provides stimulating work, helps people see beyond their self-interests and focus more on team interests and needs and inspires all this qualities in Kenya are only harbored by Peter Kenneth.
Monday, October 10, 2011
By Suleiman G. Gathuo
Published October 10, 2011
19th Century Romanticism and Traditional Renaissance Illusionism
19th Century Romanticism
Romanticism which was a style in art that was began during the 18th century and spread all the way through to the mid 19th century began basically as both an intellectual and artistic revulsion that was directed against religion and social order. It was through the art works that were created during this period that subjectivism, imaginations, individualism, nature, irrationalism and emotions were highly exalted (Blayney, 2001). Emotion was highly ranked than was reason while senses also had an upper hand at the expense of intellect during this period in time.
It is due to his open attitude that was tagged on art that artist during this period in time were highly fascinated by their inner struggles which also coupled with moods, passion and nature in influencing the direction that was taken by the art work that they produced. It is from the boundaries that have been discussed above as being offered by works that were released during this particular period that works by Francisco Goya and Joseph Mallord have been exclusively analyzed in the following part of the paper.
Francisco Goya; The Third of May, 1808
Goya used the art work to completely display his intention of exposing and commemorating the resistance that the Spanish weighed against the Napoleon’s armies during 1808 (Boime, 2008). It is due to this reason that the picture has been referred by many art analysts as the very first great piece of work in form of picture that has been successful in being a piece of revolutionary in all its aspects which are style, subject, the sense of word used and the in intention. The image which basically displays the horrors that were brought about by the war sharply diverges from the Christianity traditions and also the deceptions of war that were used in the traditional days.
Set in the early hours of the morning, The Third of May basically is centered on two groups of men. One of them is in firing squad that has been rigidly poised while the other group of men is a group of disorganized captives that has been held at gun point (Boime, 2008). The painting which is considered to be a deception of the popular insurrection is very objective and straight in addressing the min theme and subject of the matter which is revolving around the main negative effects that were being brought about by the war. Emotions and nature have been used as the main style of romanticism to effectively communicate the main idea that Goya is fighting against in the piece of art.

Mallord Joseph Turner William; Snowstorm: Hannibal and His Army Cross
Joseph Turner has been very effective in developing the Hannibal or the solo horn who is urging his army to go a head despite the fact that a snow storm is highly developing in the very same direction that they ought to be going to. With the snow thickening more and more as they proceed with the journey, the journey consequently becomes more arduous (Blayney, 2001). The soldiers though triumph through the difficult conditions and as has been clearly indicated in the piece of art, it is clear that a distant sunny Italy can be seen ahead. Being a perfect example of the hardships that surrounded the people during the periods, it is clear that during wars, soldier shad to sacrifice a lot for a worthy course.
On the other hand, it is also an indication of the spirit that the leaders of the army troops ought to have while leading their troops to the war front. It is due to this that it is always assumed that the painting by Turner may have been heavily influenced by the descriptions of the trek that the Carthaginian had to Italy. As indicated in the art work, the hero who is riding on a horse has to cope with not only maneuvering the large troop of soldiers into the mountain passes but also pass through the black and thick clouds (Blayney, 2001). Nature has been clearly depicted in the art work as being both a negative and positive reinforce for the armies during the war. In this case though the troops is motivated towards overcoming the bad weather hence forge a head to meet the enemy in a successfully manner.

Artists Challenging Traditional Renaissance Illusionism
In the European history, renaissance was a very important time in history where the mark was made for the closure of the Middle Ages and the new dawn for the Modern World. Just as the term renaissance indicates, rebirth was found in the field of art. A very broad cultural mileage was gained since more renewed interest was developing in relation to the classical arts and also the ideas of Rome and Greece during the ancient times (Marlena, 2007). Rebirth in art was being acquired at this time in history mainly because of the fundamental idea that through the study of intellectual treasures and treasures in art too that related to the Greeks and Romans, could reach people to greatness, enlightenment and wisdom in relation to the artistic works that were being formed.
Painting art was extremely affected by the radical rediscovery of the classical world. Ancient content and forms in art were being rediscovered by this time in history and it is true to indicate that by the time the year 1500 was reaching, ancient content and forms in art had already been fully revived. Roman history together with the mythology involved in the culture were heavily borrowed in the artwork and this meant that slowly by slowly, the spiritual contents that had deeply rooted themselves in art were loosing ground. Harmonious proportion, rational postures together with realistic expressions was heavily linked with the art work that was involved in this particular period of time. Italy was the region where this form of art was heavily pronounced in the whole of Europe by then.
Five main techniques were heavily used in the art works that were present at this particular time in history. Perspective was used in a great extent in the art works during this period as it was very helpful in making art work look more real. Foreshortening (involved drawing lines in a shortened manner with the intent of creating depth illusion) formed the other technique used. Sfumato where in paintings, sharp outlines are softened using gradual blending of a tone before leading it into the other was very integral not only in creating the illusion of depth but also helped create the 3-dimension aspect about the piece of work (Marlena, 2007). Chiaroscuro whereby a high contrast of colors was used with the intention of creating the much needed 3-dimension aspect and creating the illusion of depth was also used together with the aspect of balance and proportion. A combination of two or more of these aspects in a piece of art was what was mainly leading into the form of art that was dominant during this period of Renaissance.
Several artists though tended to deviate from the strict guidelines of art that were prescribed by the period either in terms of the themes that they addressed or the techniques of painting that they used in their pieces of art as is indicated in the below three pieces of art.
Hieronymus Bosch: The Marriage Feast at Cana
Bosch was by a large extent attempting to beak the rules that were basically shaping the direction taken by the world of art during this period of renaissance. As a mater of fact, artists were diverting the themes of painting away from the religious backgrounds and leaning more on the classical issues of the society. Bosch totally deviates from this aspect as the theme of the work he presents in the painting still borrows heavily from the biblical story of the wedding at Cana. The techniques used by Bosch do not do any better to promote the direction taken by art during the renaissance (Boyle, 2001). Although color has been heavily used as is the case during the renaissance, depth which was a major issue in the art works during this period heavily lacks in this particular art. The main reason though for not creating depth by Bosch is to ensure that the whole piece of art has a uniform attention as it wholly creates the desired meaning. Drawing attention to a specific point has been seriously avoided by Bosch.

Pieter Bruegel: The Beggars
Bruegel comes in as one of the most successful artists that lived during this period in artistic history. The piece of work that comes in as a very simple but very important in the life of Bruegel indicates by far a great source of dedication to rebel against the standards that were set for the renaissance art. The theme sin the art starts off as one that is not in line with the classical mythology of the Greeks or the Romans as was to be the case in the art works done during this time. Instead he addresses the current situations of poverty that are striking the society with the sole purpose of giving hope to the less advantaged and bringing people’s attention to the real issues facing the society. on the other hand, the less use of color in his work as opposed to the much used color in renaissance art for the purpose of creating depth has been very effective in helping make the art look as simple as the possible and present the message home in the best manner (Marlena, 2007).

Van Eyck: Annunciation
Eyck is considered as one of the greatest painters that ever lived during this particular period in time. In this painting though, she went ahead to go against the standards of art that had been set to govern artist during the time. This can be clearly seen right from the theme that he decides to address for the work. Although it is clear that religion ought not to form the themes that were preferred for painting during this time, he goes ahead to paint a biblical context. The context of the announcement to Mary by Angel Gabriel has been strategically chosen by Eyck so as to reveal the level of artistic development that had reached in the church buildings (Boyle, 2001). The Gothic and Romanesque architecture was the main purpose as to why Eyck painted the picture abusing all the standards of renaissance period where the theme and color differentiation was sacrificed.

Blayney, D. (2001). Romanticism. California: Phaidon.
Boime, A. (2008). Birth Of Abstract Romanticism, The: Art For A New Humanity, Rumi And The Paintings Of Kamran Khavarani. Boston: Sybil City Book Company.
Boyle, D. (2001). Renaissance Art: A Crash Course. Chicago: Watson-Guptill.
Marlena, V. (2007). Renaissance Art. Illinois: Sirrocco - Parkstone International
N/B: All sources referenced in APA 6th Edition
Raising Self Confident Children Essay
By Suleiman G. Gathuo
Published: October 10, 2011
Raising Self Confident Successful Children
I. Introduction
Raising self confident children to become successful, responsible and accountable adults in the future is the dream of every parent or guardian but is not an easy task and calls for total devotion. This is a very essential duty that makes major contributions to the positive development of our community and though it is a challenging task to the parents, it can be achieved. After this session, all of you will agree with me that this is something that can be easily achieved if the things I will mention here will be carried out. The Supporting Points to carry out this session are; Encourage your kids to dream big, Give them rewards and compliments for good job and punishment for bad behavior and lastly Guide them in making decisions, instill in them positive thinking and nurture their special interest. The reason why am confident as I stand before you to address this very crucial topic is based on the extensive research that I have conducted regarding this topic. In the course of this session, I am going to demonstrate that indeed it is possible to raise self confident children, if only we dedicated our time and effort to do it.
II. Review Body
A. 1st Supporting Point: Encourage Your Kids to Dream Big
It is very important that parents and guardians let their children to dream big and to fantasize on their future. One thing that you should note is that every grand idea begins with a dream. When a child dreams of doing a fulfilling job or task in the future and receives the necessary support and encouragement that is needed from the parents, inner confidence is achieved and they will live to see that the dream is actualized in the future (Biehl & Swets, 2007). A child can dream being the president of their country, or having a very brilliant career in the future and parents should ensure that these expectations are not perturbed. Showing doubts in the dreams of the child is the last thing that a parent should do because even if the child does not make to become the president of the county, they might end up being the presidents of their own companies (Carson & Cecil, 2005).
B. 2nd Supporting Point: Give the Children Rewards and Compliments for Good Job and Punishment for Bad Behavior
According to Allen & Williams, (1943), a psychologist, reward is defined as the behavior that follows a positive deed. Praise and rewards for a good deed can really do a lot in making positive reforms in the lives of the children. However, when it comes to handling of the teenagers, it is important to note that the parents should be careful in rewarding the children not to invoke a feeling of being treated as children (Dinkemeyer & Losoncy, 1996).
In psychology, punishment is defined as ‘any aversive incentive that is carried out after a specific response with the intension of suppressing the response’. In this regard punishment can be anything that reduces the occurrence of a given behavior whether in the form of reprimand, physical pain, loss of tangibles, attention withdrawal and so on and these can be applied to ensure that the children are discouraged from getting involved in undesirable behavior. However parents should note that the sole purpose of punishment is to invoke fear on the child to ensure that the undesirable behavior does not occur again (Azoulay, 1999).
C. 3rd Supporting Point- Guide Children in Making Decisions, Instill in them Positive Thinking and Nurture their Special Interest.
Allowing children to make decisions regarding some occasions plays a major role in making them to be independent thinkers in future. One way of instilling this in them is, instead of asking the children what they need to do during the day, you should give them suggestions on the activities they might include in their list of activities during the day. This will encourage them to weigh their options as well as the problem solving tactics in their tender minds. In regard to assisting children to have a positive mind, it is very important to teach children on analyzing two sides of any situation that they face in their life. Every time the children are faced by a challenging situation, it is upon the parents to make the children see that they will actually make it through. To encourage them to see an opportunity of conquering in every challenge they face.
It has been proved that every time a child realizes that he or she is making some progress in their life, their confidence is boosted. When children assist parents in the various chores in the house, confidence becomes evident in the way they taught and one can notice this in their eyes. One of the advantages of encouraging children to engage in several activities is that the possibility of them developing a special interest in one is very high. Most people end up careers that they have no interest at all. This is because of lacking a good exposure in their tender age. Once the parents find a special niche, they should ensure that this is nurtured.
III. Conclusion
Raising self confident children to become successful, responsible and accountable adults in the future is the dream of every parent or guardian but is not an easy task and calls for total devotion. To ensure that this is successful, you as parents and guardians should; Encourage your kids to dream big, Give them rewards and compliments for good job and punishment for bad behavior and lastly Guide them in making decisions, instill in them positive thinking and nurture their special interest.
Allen, A. & Williams, E. (1943). The psychology of punishment: the new school discipline. Massachusetts: Allman & Son, Ltd.
Azoulay, D. (1999). Encouragement and Logical Consequences versus Rewards and Punishment: A Reexamination [Electronic Version]. Journal of Individual Psychology, 55(1), 91-99.
Biehl, B. & Swets, P. (2007). Dreaming Big: Energizing Yourself and Your Team with a Crystal Clear Life Dream. New York: Biblica.
Carson, B. & Cecil, M. (2005). Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence. New York: Zondervan.
Dinkemeyer, D. & Losoncy, L. (1996). The skills of encouragement: Bringing out the best in yourself and others. Delray Beach, FL: St. Lucie Press.
Marshall, M. (1998). Empower-Rather Than Overpower [Electronic Version]. Teacher Magazine, 17(37), 32-36.
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